“ninja photographer”

Meet Victoria & Her Team
Victoria leads a team of photographers and editors under her unique style and direction. She is also the exclusive photographer for Zeta Event Productions, a full-service event production company. Having a strong team supporting her empowers her to bring the quality and expertise of her work to another dimension.
Victoria loves to work with her team to bring more quality solutions to her clients. Having the backing of a production company enables her to easily carry out all creative ideas and special effects to capture breathtaking & stunning images. Aside from building a strong collection in her portfolio, Victoria is committed to working together with her work family to continue to have fun while bringing fresh ideas to the industry.

Victoria loves to travel with her clients.
Traveling to new places with her amazing clients is one of Victoria’s favorite things to do. The ability to capture different scenarios, castles, sculptures, landscapes, and hills while capturing the beauty of the happiness that her clients portray while visiting these amazing places is part of the magic in creating breathtaking images. The ability to capture her clients in different cultures while bringing out their individual essences is one of her favorite challenges. Victoria is always up for a fun travel adventure, from trains, helicopters, yachts, hot air balloons and yes even safari jeeps in Africa. However, aligning with her favorite style, Europe wins the prize since Victoria is native born in Madrid, Spain and studied in Assisi Italy. Her creative influences and inspirations are strongly derived from the old world.

“Working with Victoria is exhilarating”
Clients love to experience a photo shoot with Victoria. Between her creativity, adventurous & artistic mind, and her relentless energy, she will outdo & outrun anyone to get her perfect shot. She will climb on chairs, tables, roll on floors and use all bag of tricks to create the most beautiful and artistic images possible. She has been called, “The Ninja photographer” many times. Victoria will make her clients feel like they are the “star of the show”. Her team members are always up for the new and fresh challenge of what Victoria has schemed up next. She strives to always come up with unique approaches and themes that match the individual client’s style and vision.

“Working with Victoria is exhilarating “, said Roxy Quevedo Event Director for Zeta Event Productions and her business’s partner for over 10 years. “She is always coming up with new ideas and it’s really great to work with such a true artist, professional and best friend”.